
【文章標題】: 【圖示製作編輯工具】ArtIcons Pro v5.24 多國語言版
【文章作者】: 軟體中文化密訓基地-總教頭
【內容分類】: 【圖示製作編輯工具】
【附件大小】: 2.58MB
【作業系統】: Win9X/WinME/WinNT/Win2000Pro/WinXP
【解壓密碼】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地
【版權聲明】: 原創:-【軟體中文化教學密訓基地】-可轉載!請注明作者並保持文章完整。不可刪除或修改部分內容!
  【圖示製作編輯工具】ArtIcons Pro v5.24 多國語言版
  ArtIcons Pro 是一個圖示製作及編輯工具,支援標準的16x16及32x32尺寸及自訂尺寸,除可觀看、繪製、擷取、收集、和管理等功能外,亦有漸層著色功能及齊全的編輯工具。支援ICO、BMP、JPG、RC、ICL等格式,並可匯入ICO、JPG等圖形檔。
  ArtIcons Pro 允許你搜尋、創造、編輯、輸入與輸出圖示,並能管理圖示庫,將自己常用的圖示有系統的管理。你可以在不同的格式的影像尺寸中建立與編輯圖示,甚至可使用 32-bit 全彩色階來處理。繪圖的工具也包含了多種方便使用者使用的工具,如對英文一竅不通,ArtIcons Pro 也內建了中文介面,可說是一個功能相當完備的圖示製作工具。
  ArtIcons Pro 特點:
  建立或編輯各種尺寸的圖示,可達 16 百萬色。
  建立或編輯支援 Windows XP 32-bit 色階之圖示。
  可更換 Windows 系統內桌面與資料夾等圖示。
  可開啟 BMP、JPEG、PNG、GIF、PSD、WBMP 格式圖檔,但只限於 127x127 大小以下。
  可把多種格式的圖檔 (ICO、BMP、JPEG、ANI、CUR、WMF 與 PNG) 直接複製貼上在圖示上。
  可從 Windows 執行檔、圖示庫與動畫游標中,分離出圖示。
  如果你對於 Windows 內建的圖示有些厭煩,想換些屬於自己風格的圖示,或是想製作個人專用的程式光碟圖示,ArtIcons Pro 是一個相當實用的小工具,能幫助你快速建立與眾不同的小圖案出來喔。

  Aha-Soft today announces the unveiling of Articons Pro 5.0, the newest version of its award winning icon
  design software for the Windows OS. This version, aside from rendering its assistance in creating, editing
  icon images and managing icon files and libraries, provides great opportunities for working with Vista
  Icons. If you couldn't work with Vista Icons previously, now with the new version of Articons Pro it is
  going to be no trouble at all. From now onwards you will be able to handle Vista Icons with ease. In order
  to make Vista icons compatible with Windows XP you can save them without any compression.
  Vista Icons introduce a new style of iconography that brings a higher level of detail and sophistication to
  Windows imagery. First, the style of Windows Aero-style icons is more realistic than illustrative, but not
  quite photorealistic. The icons are symbolic images - they should look better than photorealistic. Second,
  icons have a maximum size of 256 x 256, making them suitable for high-DPI displays. These high-resolution
  icons allow for high visual quality in list views with large icons. Finally, wherever practical, fixed
  document icons are replaced by thumbnails of the content, making documents easier to identify and find.
  Thus, Articons Pro is a beeline to refining the visuals of your program and making it more communicative
  for users.
  A picture of a maximum size of 256 x 256 to be used as an icon, in principle, is supported by XP, yet such
  an icon occupies 400Kb of disk space, which is far more than standard 25Kb of an XP icon. Aha-Soft has
  again found a way to cast off these shackles: Articons Pro 5.0 uses advanced PNG compression to save images
  without losses and supports semitransparent images with 8bit alpha channel. That technology reduces the
  size of an icon only, leaving the quality invariable.
  Previous versions of the program have managed to hand on all their eminent features to the new version:
  Articons Pro 5.0 is equipped with all essential drawing tools including various kinds of airbrushes,
  pencils and paintbrushes as well as miscellaneous text, line and shape tools. The software also offers a
  variety of solid, patterned and gradient flood fills, drop shadow, smooth, color modification and other
  effects. The program features easy converting from one image format into another.
  Articons Pro 5.0 will help you to obtain the modern Windows Vista look. All you need is just to redesign
  your program's most prominent icons to use the Aero-style. From this time onwards Visa Icons crafted by
  Articons Pro 5.0 will strongly impact users' overall impression of your programs' visual design. Articons
  Pro will improve the usability of your software by making programs, objects, and actions easier to identify
  and find.
  【圖示製作編輯工具】ArtIcons Pro v5.24 多國語言版下載網址:
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